Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I remember when that show 24 was on air, I used to think, no way this can all happen in 24 hours. Now, I realize when you put your time towards a positive effort, 24 hours is more than enough time. This past weekend in a matter of 24 hours I managed to do 4 full tattoos, 3 of which were colored. It all started on monday when I tattooed my friend Ku'uipo who had been referred to me from my friend Jojo. From there, Ku'uipo referred her boyfriend Andrew to me. After seeing the two tattoos, Ku'uipo's family became interested in getting tattooed and contacted me about their ideas. Within the three day period of Thursday to Saturday, we conversated and came up with four unique tattoos for each of them. At the end of Sunday I was wiped out from tattooing 8 1/2 hours straight and 3 hours the night before. As tired as I was, it was all worth it and I would do it again in a heartbeat. Big mahalo to my new favorite household and hope to do it again soon.


1 comment:

  1. And within those 24 hours you had enough time to got to breakfast with us so that you could have your country fried steak and eggs. Good to be young with a (tattoo)gun (and a portable massage table).
