Saturday, October 29, 2011

Thoracic cage

What up girls and boys, todays lesson is in anatomy. The cavity that protects your lungs is called your plural cavity and the thing that protects your plural cavity is your thoracic cage a.k.a your rib cage. Whew. Now that we got that out of the way, let's get to the real reason you're reading this post...The Tattoos! It's amazing the way fads work in this world. It's like the idea of monkey see monkey do except in tattooing, it's monkey get tattoo, monkey get similar tattoo. This is specifically geared towards a tattoo I did on a girls ribs of a dream catcher that she designed based off of Miley Cyrus's dream catcher in the same spot. And to clear the air about people thinking I'm over reacting, she showed me a pic of Miley's tattoo and was like "like this one". I guess what I'm trying to say is, be original guys, fads come and go but at least if you're gonna follow the trend, make it your own interpretation. With that being said, enjoy the pictures of some other rib pieces as well as the "Hannah Montana" tattoo.
This is probably the rippest dude I've ever homo. Cool thing was that he is a chinese major and brought his own characters for this tattoo and it meant something along the lines of "fight adversity" or "charge head forth into challenges"
The Hannah Montana haha I still like the way it turned out, don't get me wrong. My first dream catcher ever but I doubt it'll be my last haha
First sitting done. Big plan is to have them done on both sides. He only wanted the outline for this side but I think I wanna convince him to shade it
Cute little tattoo on a cute little girl haha. She made me reconsider my eating habits. She's also dope because she's a Beatles fan as you can tell by the quotes used!

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